George Morgan Bryson ,Chairman & CEO of Centurion -Rothschild, LLC, and
Dominick Reuven Henry Co-Chairman of Centurion-Rothschild, LLC,
J. Rothschild, Investment Partner
Richard Kaplan, Strategic Intelligence, Counterintelligence & International Law Consultant at
United Nations and to Centurion-Rothschild, LLC
Odell International, LLC ,Richard D. Cantwell ,President & CEO .Investment Partner.
The Bryson Group. Investment Partner
V. De Rothschild, MD,PHD,MBA, Senior Vice President of Centurion-Rothschild ,LLC and
President of Centurion-Rothschild, LLC Healthcare Division
The Right Honorable Baron Ricardo Baretzki ,President of The European Center For Information Policy and Security (ECIPS},Consultant to Centurion Rothschild, LLC and Centurion Rothschild
Golden Tender Holdings
Gabriel Mamani Calcina,Senior Vice President, Sole Representative for the Republic of Peru to Centurion Rothschild, LLC
Sarah Henry:Senior Vice President of Financial Compliance to Centurion-Rothschild, LLC
The right Honorable Contessa , Dr.Noema Chaplin,United Nations,Ambassador and Senior Vice President of
Centurion-Rothschild ,LLC and Director of Real Estate Operations, New York.
Alexander Bryson Senior Vice President of Centurion-Rothschild, LLC
Stephen Yenzer ,Chief Financial Officer. (CFO)of Centurion Rothschild, LLC
he Baron Ricardo Baretzky,President of The European Centre for Information Policy and Security ( ECIPS ) ,consultant to Centurion-Rothschild ,LLC and Centurion-Rothschild LT
Judson Rothschild,Consultant to Centurion-Rothschild ,LLC
ar Ramirez Corzo Senior reat
Matthew Kaplan,CPA,Chief Acountant,Centurion-Rothschild, LLC and Companies
James Henry, Senior Vice President of Centurion-Rothschild LLC
Rob Paez Davison,Centurion-Rothschild ,LLC ,sole representative to the Republic of Chile
. and Centurion Rothschild ,LLC